Saturday 26 June 2010

step 1

I've connected resistors between the frets by gouging out a little hole in the side of the guitar neck next to each fret and slotting resistors in to make a connection. I'm holding them there for the moment with pins from my wife's needlework tin.
I bought some 5K resistors to do this with initially though I've doubled them up now to get a greater range of numbers from the expression pedal input. I'm rather cheekily using the expression socket on the back of my GI10 guitar to MIDI converter to read off the values. Basically, 5 volts from this socket has been applied to the resistor highest up on the neck,(nearest to the body) and the wiper from the expression socket has been attatched to the string. As different frets are played, different numbers are input via the GI10.
So, I can read which fret is being fingered via the expression input. These appear as CC11 values. It's a start!
Now, in order to convert those numbers into note values, I've used the midiConverter3 from Piz midi ( This translates midi CC's to note on, (followed by note off).
I now have a totally out of tune MIDI guitar
- BUT -
The Values go up as I get higher on the fretboard - Hooray!
Next, I need a lookup table to change the values of the CC's to correspond to the correct note numbers....


  1. Hi Gareth,
    I think you can re-scale that MIDI data with the software Plogue Bidule. Bidule can be run either as its own host application or as an AU plug-in inside any other host application on a Mac. I'm not at the moment able to tell you exactly how to pull this off with Bidule but I'm sure someone at the Bidule forum would tell you if you post the question there.

  2. Cheers Per. I have a rough solution working at present - just to test the concept. There are some difficulties but I can play tunes with the latest version. I'll post a video up later..
